ReaderServer 属性 |
ReaderServer 类型公开以下成员。
名称 | 说明 | |
ActiveTimeSpan |
获取或设置两次数据交互时的最小时间间隔,默认为24小时。如果超过该设定的时间不进行数据交互,服务器就会强制断开当前的连接操作。 (继承自 DeviceServer。)Get or set the minimum time interval between two data interactions, the default is 24 hours. If the data exchange is not performed for more than the set time, the server will forcibly disconnect the current connection operation. | |
BothModeUdpPort |
当服务器同时启动TCP及UDP服务的时候,获取当前的UDP服务的端口号 (继承自 DeviceServer。)When the server starts TCP and UDP services at the same time, it obtains the port number of the current UDP service | |
BytesOfBlock |
| |
ByteTransform |
当前的数据变换机制,当你需要从字节数据转换类型数据的时候需要。 (继承自 DeviceCommunication。)The current data transformation mechanism is required when you need to convert type data from byte data. | |
CommunicationPipe | (继承自 BinaryCommunication。) | |
ConnectionId |
当前连接的唯一ID号,默认为长度20的guid码加随机数组成,方便列表管理,也可以自己指定 (继承自 BinaryCommunication。)The unique ID number of the current connection. The default is a 20-digit guid code plus a random number. | |
EnableIPv6 |
获取或设置服务器是否支持IPv6的地址协议信息 (继承自 DeviceServer。)Get or set whether the server supports IPv6 address protocol information | |
EnableWrite |
获取或设置当前的服务器是否允许远程客户端进行写入数据操作,默认为True (继承自 DeviceServer。)Gets or sets whether the current server allows remote clients to write data, the default is True | |
ForceSerialReceiveOnce |
获取或设置当前的服务器接收串口数据时候,是否强制只接收一次数据,默认为false,适合点对点通信,如果你总线形式的连接,则需要设置 True (继承自 DeviceServer。)Get or set whether to force the data to be received only once when the current server receives serial port data. The default value is false, which is suitable for point-to-point communication. If you have a bus connection, you need to set True | |
IsStarted |
服务器引擎是否启动 (继承自 DeviceServer。)Whether the server engine is started | |
LogNet |
组件的日志工具,支持日志记录,只要实例化后,当前网络的基本信息,就以DEBUG等级进行输出 (继承自 BinaryCommunication。)The component's logging tool supports logging. As long as the instantiation of the basic network information, the output will be output at DEBUG | |
OnlineCount |
获取在线的客户端的数量 (继承自 DeviceServer。)Get the number of clients online | |
Port |
获取或设置服务器的端口号,如果是设置,需要在服务器启动前设置完成,才能生效。 (继承自 DeviceServer。)Gets or sets the port number of the server. If it is set, it needs to be set before the server starts to take effect. | |
ReceiveTimeOut |
获取或设置接收服务器反馈的时间,如果为负数,则不接收反馈 (继承自 BinaryCommunication。)Gets or sets the time to receive server feedback, and if it is a negative number, does not receive feedback | |
SendBeforeHex |
获取或设置在发送通信报文前追加发送的字节信息,HEX格式,通常用于lora组网时,需要携带 00 00 00 02 四个字节的站地址功能。 (继承自 BinaryCommunication。)Obtain or set the byte information sent before sending communication packets, HEX format, usually used for LORA networking, you need to carry 00 00 00 02 four-byte station address function. | |
SerialReceiveAtleastTime |
获取或设置串口模式下,接收一条数据最短的时间要求,当设备发送的数据非常慢的时候,或是分割发送数据的时候,就需要将本值设置的大一点,默认为20ms (继承自 DeviceServer。)Get or set the shortest time required to receive a piece of data in serial port mode. When the data sent by the device is very slow, or when the data is divided and sent, you need to set this value to a larger value, the default is 20ms | |
ServerMode |
当前服务器的模式,0:TCP服务器,1:UDP服务器,2:TCP及UDP服务器 (继承自 DeviceServer。)Gets whether the current server is a TCP server or a UDP server | |
SleepTime |
获取或设置在正式接收对方返回数据前的时候,需要休息的时间,当设置为0的时候,不需要休息。 (继承自 BinaryCommunication。)Get or set the time required to rest before officially receiving the data from the other party. When it is set to 0, no rest is required. | |
SocketKeepAliveTime |
获取或设置客户端的Socket的心跳时间信息,这个是Socket底层自动实现的心跳包,不基于协议层实现。默认小于0,不开启心跳检测,如果需要开启,设置 60_000 比较合适,单位毫秒 (继承自 DeviceServer。)Get or set the heartbeat time information of the Socket of the client. This is the heartbeat packet automatically implemented by the bottom layer of the Socket, not based on the protocol layer. The default value is less than 0, and heartbeat detection is not enabled. If you need to enable it, it is more appropriate to set 60_000, in milliseconds. | |
WordLength |
一个字单位的数据表示的地址长度,西门子为2,三菱,欧姆龙,modbusTcp就为1,AB PLC无效 (继承自 DeviceCommunication。)The address length represented by one word of data, Siemens is 2, Mitsubishi, Omron, modbusTcp is 1, AB PLC is invalid |