YokogawaLinkTcpWriteRandom 方法 |
名称 | 说明 | |
WriteRandom(String, Byte) | [商业授权] 随机写入Byte数组信息,主需要出传入String数组地址信息,以及对应的Byte数组值 [Authorization] Randomly write the Byte array information, the main need to pass in the String array address information, and the corresponding Byte array value | |
WriteRandom(String, Int16) | [商业授权] 随机写入Int16数组信息,主需要出传入String数组地址信息,以及对应的Int16数组值 [Authorization] Randomly write the Int16 array information, the main need to pass in the Int16 array address information, and the corresponding Int16 array value | |
WriteRandom(String, UInt16) | [商业授权] 随机写入UInt16数组信息,主需要出传入String数组地址信息,以及对应的UInt16数组值 [Authorization] Randomly write the UInt16 array information, the main need to pass in the UInt16 array address information, and the corresponding UInt16 array value |